This is the whole thing without the ball on top. You can see the polished copper and brass and the dark wood. I really like how it all looks together.

Close-up of the top collar. Those holes are for the switch and mounting screws and whatnot. I'm debating whether to sand it down and try again with the clear coat due to the drippiness. I might just go with it for now and replace it late or something.

Here's a close-up of the actual wood part. You can see the grain a bit. I think this was a gorgeous piece of wood. There's so much interesting grain in here and the carving really made it even more complex and cool.

Here's the bottom cap. It'll have a rubber foot put onto it to avoid scratching up the floors of wherever I end up. The best part? Those brass studs holding the hardware onto the wood are removable so I can get in there and replace parts without ruining anything. Sweet.

This is what the final piece will look like. The ball is just resting up top for now but it'll be firmly glued on when I have my way. It'll also be lit up with some UV light so it'll glow a cool blue. Sweet.

A bit more of the cane with the ball on top. I really like how this looks. I think it turned out very well indeed.

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