So a couple posts back I mentioned that I met a fellow wood turner at the Hogwarts party. We talked about turning and general woodworking all night and he happened to have a full-size lathe in his parents' garage across the street that he was looking to sell. It's a fantastic lathe and it was a great price, so I couldn't say no. I also decided shortly before that to keep my side of the garage as a dedicated shop/home gym. So with that, and the opportunity to buy a full-size lathe and really increase my turning capabilities, we enter the next chapter of my turning experience, I guess.
Also, my dad and I built a ceiling rack for all my spare lumber and sheet stock and moved everything up there on Sunday. Here are some pictures so you can see what I mean.
We used our non-patented-but-probably-should-be ceiling suspension system. I actually did hang off of this one as a test and it's rock solid.
We got a base of sheet stock up there and then lumber on the left and remaining sheet stock on the right. The right side is wide enough to fit full 4'x8' sheet stock, which is obviously cool.
This is an improvement, for sure. The more stuff we get out of the garage and off the floor, the better.
There's the bench and board. Exciting stuff! Most exciting is that everything is still organized and put away where it belongs.
Who's this little guy, though? He looks new.
There it is. Shiny new full-size lathe. I can turn up to 12"x36" pieces on this beast. It has a variable speed control, too, which means less stopping and starting for me. I'll do a full review in a little bit. I think I'm also going to have to re-organize the garage a little more to make more room. This is a pretty tight fit right now, and that's not cool. I need room to stretch out when I'm turning.
Thanks for reading!
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