Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween: Complete

Halloween was a pretty big success. I got my coat and walking stick completed, got Jenna's skirt and jacket completed and got our friend's mask as done as I could. I'm going to refinish it for her. I may do another coat of resin on the outside to help smooth out the imperfections. I'll be sanding, priming, painting, etc as well. Now that I'm not up against a deadline, I can really spend some time being picky about it and making sure I like it. I could honestly even just re-glass the thing if doing the rest of it turns out to be too much of a pain.

So my next projects are finishing the mask and getting some work done on bow-making. I'm going to run a simple class on making bows from lumber. I'm going to have to make a complete one for myself to make sure I know how to do it, then make several other bows to various stages so I can run my class without getting to the "and now the glue dries" stage. I'll be taking lots of pictures of everything while I'm working on it, for sure.

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